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BDR TvT Mission Pack ( for international events)

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BDR TvT Mission Pack ( for international events)

Messaggioda {BDR}*Nemesi* » 28/11/2014, 19:01


Author: Bubble, Flipper


A US helicopter was shot down in the skies of Chernarus..


- locate the downed helicopter and retrieve the black box
- rescue the downed pilot (when available)
- exfiltrate


- eliminate the entire enemy team

- secondary: recover the black box and exfiltrate

MODS: CBA3, ACE3, ACRE2, CUP Terrain Core + Maps, RHS USA & RHS Russian Federation, NIArms


The PvP takes place in Chernarus at night and it is completely RANDOM, this applies to the playing area, the spawn of both teams, the spawn of the helicopter as well as the exfiltration points.

The helicopter wreck has flames and smoke to make it distinguishable.

The two teams will see in the map a red circle that marks the area in which the helicopter is positioned in a random point, the OPFORs will see a smaller circle than BLUFORs.

The OPFOR team will be aware, through a marker named ELP, of the BLUFOR spawn area, the marker is random as well and it is positioned near the spawn point, but not at the actual spawn point.

The exfiltration points for both teams are marked by a chemlight (blue or red for BLUFOR or OPFOR, respectively).

The helicopter wreck has two actions (wheel), one named "Take the Black Box" to pick up the black box (this one can be activated only by BLUFOR), the other one is called "Turn On BBGPS" to activate the black box GPS (it can be activated from both sides and will mark the position of the helicopter).

The OPFORs can take the black box (and so accomplish their secondary objective) only from the corpse of an enemy who has already picked up the box, through action on his body.

Each player may also look for information about the enemy exfil point through the action of "Search for Info" on a dead enemy body. The enemy exfil point will be then indicated by markers on the map (not accurate). The downed pilot (ICARUS) has no action on his body (he does not know the exfil point).

REDFOR advantages:

- they always infiltrate closer to the search area with respect to Blue side
- they have a smaller search area
- they know (approximately) the Blue side infil point

- all can activate it any time
- everyone can see the wreck position, with a random delay time
- the SARBE is automatically activated when the black box is extracted from the wreck, with a random delay time

ICARUS (downed pilot)

There is one extra slot for the downed pilot (Icarus) in Blufor side, this slot is optional.
- the downed pilot will spawn randomly close to the helicopter wreck, but not exactly on the heli position.
- he has no map, no compass and no radio
- he can take a Survival kit from the helicopter
- he has no enemy exfil info

The pilot, if present, must be rescued by Blufor team and taken to the extraction point.


- the TL from both sides can choose an extra equipment kit (wheel selection on the crate at spawn)
- the benefit kits appear in the crates only after both sides made their choice
- some kits require an exchange, so the item to be exchanged needs to be put back in the crate before the chosen kit can appear

- Available optics are to be selected by mouse wheel
- Blue DM must wait for benefit choice to select his optic.




["rhsusf_acc_ACOG_USMC", 1];
["ACE_muzzle_mzls_L", 2];
["rhsusf_acc_SR25S", 1];
["rhsusf_acc_SFMB556", BCounter];
["rhsusf_acc_grip1", BCounter];
["rhsusf_weap_glock17g4", 2];
["rhsusf_acc_omega9k", 2];
["rhsusf_mag_17Rnd_9x19_FMJ", 8];
["rhsusf_weap_MP7A2_desert", 1];
["rhsusf_acc_rotex_mp7_desert", 1];
["rhsusf_mag_40Rnd_46x30_AP", 8];

["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", BCounter];
["rhs_mag_an_m14_th3", BCounter];
["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", 1];
["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag", 4];
["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag", 4];
["rhs_weap_m72a7", 1];
["ACE_DefusalKit", BCounter];
["ACE_Clacker", BCounter];
["MineDetector", BCounter];

"NVG" :
["rhsusf_acc_premier_anpvs27", 1];
["Rangefinder", 2];
["B_IR_Grenade", (BCounter*2)];
["rhsusf_acc_anpeq15A", BCounter];


"AMMO" :
["30Rnd_545x39_Mag_Tracer_Green_F", (RCounter*2)];
["rhs_30Rnd_545x39_7N22_AK", (RCounter*6)];
["rhs_mag_rgd5", RCounter];
["rhs_mag_rdg2_white", (RCounter*2)];
["rhs_100Rnd_762x54mmR_7N13", 4];
["hlc_60Rnd_545x39_t_rpk", 6];
["rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1", 5];
["ACE_EntrenchingTool", 1];

"HMG" :
["RHS_NSV_Tripod_Bag", 2];
["RHS_NSV_Gun_Bag", 2];
["ACE_EarPlugs", 12];
["rhsusf_lrf_Vector21", 2];
["ACE_EntrenchingTool", 1];

["rhs_weap_rshg2", 1];
["rhs_VG40TB", 2];

NOTE: the term "counter" means riflemen + medic slots. This means the relative benefit is given depending how many riflemen and medic slots are filled.

BLUFOR and REDFOR assets (slots)


NOTE: One of the two autorifleman slot is "locked", this means 4 filled riflemen slots are needed to unlock it, otherwise the "lock" slot will have the riflemen equipment.
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

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Messaggi: 13854
Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano
Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan


Re: BDR TvT Mission Pack ( for international events)

Messaggioda {BDR}*Nemesi* » 05/03/2016, 14:59


Author: Armilio



The pro-western Altis Front is plotting a takeover, a coup d'etat. The first step it's to kill the powerful Minister for Defence, and they enrolled western contractors to do it. But, surprisely, we find out that also the minister has well-armed bodyguards, maybe a gift of his powerful foreign allies. The population around Neochori is on the side of the putschists, because of money or ideology.


Minister and his double will be marked on map with the same marker.

Each redfor seen just outside of the ministry will create a marker, but around the area and not precisely on him.

At the start of the mission the Redfor will see the heli ETA (which is random between 35 and 45 minutes). You can set the landing zone using the sat phone. The helicopter will land there and wait for you 3 minute in the landing zone, because it can't wait forever. You can command to take fly using the radio command.

To win the battle the redfor need to escort the VIP outside the red area with at least one bodyguard (the double is counted as bodyguard) if they escape on foot, while the body guard is not needed in the case the Minister is exfiltrated by helicopter.

The Vip or the double CAN'T change vest or uniform: it will be counted as cheat and there will be a script checking for it.

For the first ten minutes the redfor can't go outside of the ministry.

Briefing BluFor

Your goal it's to kill the minister, nothing more or less. He will be armed and escorted. He will try to escape from the ministry and then from the red zone, by foot or by helicopter transport (ETA around 40 minutes).

BluFor Objectives:
Kill the Minister.

Briefing Opfor

Escort the VIP outside the red area, on foot or waiting for the helicopter. You have a window of 60 minutes to do it. One of us will be dressed like the vip to make a diversion. The CSAR russian heli ETA it's around 40 minutes. The priority is the safety of the VIP, but you can try to escape with him. You must not kill more then 3 civilian or you'll be processed at the martial court and the political carrier of the Minister would be ruined in any case, either he will survive or not.

OpFor Objectives
Escort the VIP outside the red area.

REQUIRED MODS: CBA3, ACE3, Task Force Radio or ACRE2; RHS (USA AND Russian Federation), Project Opfor, NIArms: Core, AK Pack, AR15, SAW, AWM; Weapon Eventhandler Framework (optional).

Available Slots: 14 for each side maximum (best 12 vs 12)
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

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Messaggi: 13854
Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano
Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan


Re: BDR TvT Mission Pack ( for international events)

Messaggioda {BDR}*Nemesi* » 10/03/2016, 15:16


Author: Flipper



Afghanistan, '80s, Russian-Afghan War.

Insurgent groups ("the Mujahideen"), since several years carry out guerrilla warfare against the Russian occupation, receiving more or less openly funding and weaponry from Western powers. The British intelligence services have entrusted to the private military company Sierra2, formed mostly by former members of the SAS, the task of supplying the rebels of Stinger anti-aircraft weapons to counter the incursions by Russian Hinds. As additional payment for their services, they will retain the proceeds from the sale of these weapons. They are not simple arms dealers, but elements with a considerable degree of training, for which they will react to any unfavorable circumstance. On the other side, the Russians sent in place the best Specnaz elements, specialized in anti-terrorism actions. They have managed to infiltrate their men in circles close to the Mujahideen and to trace with a hidden bug device the bag containing the money to be delivered to Sierra2 in exchange for the Stinger. This will lead them to identify and possibly stamp out the source of supplies of the Stingers to the Mujahideen fighters.

NOTE: Green (Mujahideens) and Blue (Mercenaries) are allied

Green Objective: to get the Stingers sold by mercenaries and take them (at lest 6) out of the border

Blue Objective: to get the money from Greens and take the money bag out of the border

Red Objective (Specnaz): to destroy the Stingers (at least 6).


Mercenaries (Blues) win if they take the money bag out of the border (they cannot exit if there are enemies in the radius of 200 m).
Mujahideens (Greens) win if they take at least 6 Stingers out of the border (they cannot exit if there are enemies in the radius of 200 m).
Specnaz (Reds) win if they destroy at least 6 Stingers. The Stingers are considered destroyed or captured from Specnaczs when: they are blown up inside the truck; they are captured by Specnacz and left on the ground if no allied (blue and green) are in the radius of 200 meters; if the Stinger carrier is shot down and no allies (blue and green) collect the Stinger.


There is a deployment time of 5 minutes for Reds and Blue (they cannot move with vehicles since vehicles are refueled after 5 mins).

Reds spawn at two points and they can switch infiltration point within 5 minutes and rearm at crates if they wish, crates will disappear after 5 mins. They have UAZ cars. Reds have also a "recon" option: they can infiltrate 2 members inside the enemy lines (mouse wheel). Recon lose their original equipment.

Blue spawn randomly along the road with a blue truck and a red Landrover, both with very little fuel. Green have a tank of fuel to resupply the vehicles if blue and green want to do that.

Green spawn randomly and they must rearm at crate and take the money bag. The crate disappears after 5 minutes. The money bag is tracked with a purple dot on map.

The Blue and Green need to exchange money for Stingers, if the Reds kill all Greens before the exchange has been made a 30 minutes count down begins, if the Reds cannot neutralize the Stingers during this time they lose the game.

Only global chat is present and it's not possible to put markers on map when in mission (markers can be drawn on map before the mission starts - this to emphasize the importance of radio comms).

Required Addons: CBA3,ACE3, Task Force Radio or ACRE2, CUPTerrain Core + Maps, RHS (USA and Russian Federation); Project Opfor, NIArms: Core, AK Pack, FAL, M60, M14, Spriengfield, @BDR_misc.
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

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Messaggi: 13854
Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano
Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan


Re: BDR TvT Mission Pack ( for international events)

Messaggioda {BDR}*Nemesi* » 02/03/2017, 16:56


Author: Armilio


Background & Rules

A NATO recon helicopter has been downed in Tanoa by CSAT Anti-Air. The pilot survived the impact, but he is injured (fictional) and therefore he will feel fatigued easily. The Rescue Team (Blue) must save the pilot and escort him back to base, the Red Team has to kill him, simply.

The pilot spawns randomly in the main Tanoa island, near the chopper crash site. The Red Team spawn as well randomly in the main island, while the Blue Team spawn in the Blue Base at Tuvanaka Airport.

Blufor have choppers to move around.

Redfor have a truck, an UAV, and a EW device (fictional, giving an approximate area around the pilot’s position) to help them in the mission. The area around the pilot will shrink as the chasers get closer to him.
At the start Redfor can use the action on the supply box to move to the transport park located in Harcourt. There they can use the actions on the box to move the truck and themselves to other positions. All the teleport actions are removed after 5 minutes of game time. After 5 minutes of game time Redfor will establish satellitar communications so they will receive the UAV terminal in the UAV operator inventory and they will start seeing the marker tracing the pilot.

The survivor can throw a IR grenade to signal his position. The Blufor will see an area marker, the Redfor his exact position.

Once rescued the pilot, Blufor can choose two ways of exfiltration, either by chopper or by boat. There are 3 positions (marked on map) where a boat can be called. To call a rescue boat, the downed pilot AND another blufor have to stay for 10 minutes inside the blue area marker until a hint appears. At this point they can call the boat with the game radio.

REQUIREMENTS: APEX, CBA_A3, ACE3, Task Force Radio and a tiny addon called BDR Misc (supplied).
The Misc Addon is a special uniform with extra weight to simulate the fact that the pilot, as he is fictionally injured, will feel fatigued easily and therefore his march is impaired.
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

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Messaggi: 13854
Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano
Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan


Re: BDR TvT Mission Pack ( for international events)

Messaggioda {BDR}*Nemesi* » 30/06/2018, 17:29

The Mission That Never Was

By Nemesi, Flipper, NikLox



A section of the Macedonian military intelligence, codename "MATRIOSKA", acting in contact with agents and former agents of other intelligence services, has collected a dossier on many personalities of the government of Altis (Greece). Something is however filtered and the database must be dismantled. But first they need to transfer the data, encrypt and take them to a safe place beyond the border.

"Foreign Intelligence Section"
We have no time, we must act now. The main server is in a town called Chalkeia, we will act from there. The terminal from which we will act could be traced but we have with us a jammer device located in a gaz used by the local army, until it is within 100 meters from us we will act undisturbed. We suppose, however, that others can try to steal the data so we must be very careful and be ready for everything. Above all, remember: however things go, this mission has never existed. You have never been there.

"Government Intelligence"
We had information that a large database was collected by agents and former agents related to foreign intelligence services. The database concerns not only the government of Altis but many governments either allied or not. We do not know exactly what information is contained there and we have to find it out. We must take action before the data is transferred or deleted. The main server is located in the town of Chalkeia, we will act from there. We will inject a virus into the system that will delete any copies and extract the hard drive to be analyzed by our computer experts. It is possible that others are already looking for what we are looking for, so we must be very careful and be ready for everything. The terminal can be tracked, but probably it will be covered by a jammer. Once this device is located and destroyed or removed, we will know exactly where the database is located. But remember: given the delicacy of the operation, however things go, this mission has never existed. You have never been there.


The "MATRIOSKA Intelligence" starts at Chalkeia. They have a stationary Igla AA that can beplaced in one of the positions marked on the map by an action on the billboard at start.
The "Government Intelligence" starts from a FOB in the south (airport near Feres). There is a time of deployment for the blues (government), which concerns the helicopters only, they are without gasoline and must be supplied. Supplies arrive after 3 minutes. Given the distance the "reds" should have time to hide the terminal.
The GAZ RADIO that acts as a jammer device is practically dry and cannot be refueled. It can only move within the red area or it will run out of fuel. It must be 100 meters from the terminal to prevent tracking.
The reds must complete the transfer and encryption of the data (takes about an hour) before being able to carry over the border with the encrypted files (a UAV terminal appears in the inventory to simulate the hard drive which contains the files).
Blue can extract the hard disk at any time. Also in this case a UAV terminal appears in the inventory, and must be taken to the FOB.
To start the data transfer the Reds must open the terminal with an action, the Blues need to close the terminal to stop the encryption process and extract the hard disk. Once the data transfer is complete, the Reds will have access to an action to recover and secure the encrypted data.
Once opened the terminal can be moved but not loaded on the vehicles.
The mission is night time. The Blue have land vehicles, helicopters and rubber dinghies.
To claim the completed objective you have to use the game radio (not the task force one). The game radio has an action to confirm the objectives.


CBA A3 (latest)

Optionals for ACE3 needed:
-RHS compat (afrf, gref, usf)
-RH acc compat

CUP Terrains- Core
RH Accessories
BDR Insigna (optional)
Task Force Radio Beta Version 1.-1.0.278 or ACRE2
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

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Messaggi: 13854
Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano
Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan


Re: BDR TvT Mission Pack ( for international events)

Messaggioda {BDR}*Nemesi* » 30/06/2018, 17:35

Vi Victa Vis, TvT


Mission description:

Guerrilla leaders in the North West of Altis managed to get a couple of tactical ballistic missiles of the OTR-21 Tochka type on the black market. The Intelligence confirmed that they have been boarded and taken to Altis and identified the area where the target could be hidden within the territory controlled by the guerrilla.

Blufor must recognize the area and, once located, destroy the Tochka before it can cause major damage.
Redfor has to hide and protect the Tochka and get ready to hit their targets once confirmed.

Mission time: night




Redfor can hide the Tochka where they want but it cannot exit the red rectangle.

Redfor have a ammo truck which can rearm the Tochka only once after the first missile has been fired (ACE interactions). They have a shoulder Igla with 2 rockets in the crates.

They have a first target to destroy after 30 min in game. The coordinates will be printed in the briefing, intel section (so you do not have to hurry in writing them down).

After the first target has been hit and destroyed, a second target will be given after 30 minutes.


In addition to moving from their base by vehicles, Blufor can infiltrate in several positions:

-rubber rafts North (they will arrive at a position near the rubber raft and can use them to move)
-rubber rafts South (same as above)
-boat (unarmed)
-C130 (recon only, they can parachute from 4.000 mt, parachutes are in the plane inventory)

Infil switch is available for 15 minutes. All by recon have a lineup time of 5 minutes for infil. Recon only can infiltrate by parachuting from C130. You can use the chestpack mod with ACE interactions to put your backpack on chest. Remember to do so before boarding the C130.

Helis in Blue base are locked for 5 mins (the lineup time) while ground vehicles can move out of base at start.

Winning conditions:

Blue wins if they can destroy the Tochka or eliminate all Reds

Reds win if they destroy their second target, or if they eliminate all Blues


RH Acc pack
Task Force Radio or ACRE2
Chestpack (can be used for putting the backpack on chest for parachuters, not needed for others)

More detailed description with images: http://www.bdrclan.com/new/index.php?op ... f=7&t=6536
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

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Messaggi: 13854
Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano
Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan


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