The Mission That Never Was, TvT BDR /♠101♠/FO148/GT
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The Mission That Never Was, TvT BDR /♠101♠/FO148/GT
The Mission That Never Was, TvT BDR /♠101♠/FO148/GT
A section of the Macedonian military intelligence, codename "MATRIOSKA", acting in contact with agents and former agents of other intelligence services, has collected a dossier on many personalities of the government of Altis (Greece). Something is however filtered and the database must be dismantled. But first they need to transfer the data, encrypt and take them to a safe place beyond the border...
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

{BDR}*Nemesi* - Amministratore
- Messaggi: 13854
- Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan
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