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Dal 2011 la più grande battaglia di carri di Arma!
Dal 2011 la più grande battaglia di carri di Arma!
Rolling Thunder Edition #28 is scheduled for Dec. 2nd, 2019.
Time: 19.00 UTC (20.00 CET)
Rolling Thunder TS3: TS3 no pass
Scenario: Rolling Thunder #28 will feature a fictional conflict involving Israel and Iran in Syria
Map: Anizay
MBTs: Merkava vs T100
Mods: CBA3, ACE3_RT*, ACRE2, CUP Terrains – Core, Anizay, @BDR_events, @vet_unflipping
* The only difference between ACE3 and ACE_RT is that ACE_RT has no ACE_javelin pbo. That's because ACE Javelin uses the thermal camera and we do not have thermal view in RT.
Mods are distributed via A3Sync Repository
autoconfig url:
only RT #28 Modset
Assets & Rules Summary
Command Element consists of one tank
Tank Platoons consist of 3 tanks each
Capture rule: 2 tanks (fully operational) are needed to capture the zones
Engineers: 3 (one for each platoon), they are equipped as the recon team operators, can be attached to recon teams (if desired)
Lineup: tanks have a 10 min lineup time (it means they can't move till lineup time ends). All other vehicles can move from the base as soon as the mission starts.
Advanced Flight Model is forced on.
Viewdistance is set at 4000.
Please note the unflip mod for the first time in RT (due to the terrain)
Max ppl needed to unflip is set at 6
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

{BDR}*Nemesi* - Amministratore
- Messaggi: 13854
- Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan
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