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TvT EVENT BDR - TTT, August 26th

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TvT EVENT BDR - TTT, August 26th

Messaggioda {BDR}*Nemesi* » 13/08/2018, 0:37




Date: August 26th, 2018
Time: 20.00 CEST
TeamSpeak: vs15.tserverhq.com:6247 no password
Gameserver: BDR Server 1, port 2312
Mods: an Arma3Sync Event has been created
A3Sync BDR Repo autoconfig:

event TvT.jpg


A US helicopter was shot down in the skies of Chernarus..


- locate the downed helicopter and retrieve the black box
- rescue the downed pilot (when available)
- exfiltrate


- eliminate the entire enemy team

- secondary: recover the black box and exfiltrate

MODS: CBA3, ACE3, ACRE2, CUP Terrain Core + Maps, RHS USA & RHS Russian Federation, NIArms


The PvP takes place in Chernarus at night and it is completely RANDOM, this applies to the playing area, the spawn of both teams, the spawn of the helicopter as well as the exfiltration points.

The helicopter wreck has flames and smoke to make it distinguishable.

The two teams will see in the map a red circle that marks the area in which the helicopter is positioned in a random point, the OPFORs will see a smaller circle than BLUFORs.

The OPFOR team will be aware, through a marker named ELP, of the BLUFOR spawn area, the marker is random as well and it is positioned near the spawn point, but not at the actual spawn point.

The exfiltration points for both teams are marked by a chemlight (blue or red for BLUFOR or OPFOR, respectively).

The helicopter wreck has two actions (wheel), one named "Take the Black Box" to pick up the black box (this one can be activated only by BLUFOR), the other one is called "Turn On BBGPS" to activate the black box GPS (it can be activated from both sides and will mark the position of the helicopter).

The OPFORs can take the black box (and so accomplish their secondary objective) only from the corpse of an enemy who has already picked up the box, through action on his body.

Each player may also look for information about the enemy exfil point through the action of "Search for Info" on a dead enemy body. The enemy exfil point will be then indicated by markers on the map (not accurate). The downed pilot (ICARUS) has no action on his body (he does not know the exfil point).

REDFOR advantages:

- they always infiltrate closer to the search area with respect to Blue side
- they have a smaller search area
- they know (approximately) the Blue side infil point

- all can activate it any time
- everyone can see the wreck position, with a random delay time
- the SARBE is automatically activated when the black box is extracted from the wreck, with a random delay time

ICARUS (downed pilot)

There is one extra slot for the downed pilot (Icarus) in Blufor side, this slot is optional.
- the downed pilot will spawn randomly close to the helicopter wreck, but not exactly on the heli position.
- he has no map, no compass and no radio
- he can take a Survival kit from the helicopter
- he has no enemy exfil info

The pilot, if present, must be rescued by Blufor team and taken to the extraction point.


- the TL from both sides can choose an extra equipment kit (wheel selection on the crate at spawn)
- the benefit kits appear in the crates only after both sides made their choice
- some kits require an exchange, so the item to be exchanged needs to be put back in the crate before the chosen kit can appear

- Available optics are to be selected by mouse wheel
- Blue DM must wait for benefit choice to select his optic.




["rhsusf_acc_ACOG_USMC", 1];
["ACE_muzzle_mzls_L", 2];
["rhsusf_acc_SR25S", 1];
["rhsusf_acc_SFMB556", BCounter];
["rhsusf_acc_grip1", BCounter];
["rhsusf_weap_glock17g4", 2];
["rhsusf_acc_omega9k", 2];
["rhsusf_mag_17Rnd_9x19_FMJ", 8];
["rhsusf_weap_MP7A2_desert", 1];
["rhsusf_acc_rotex_mp7_desert", 1];
["rhsusf_mag_40Rnd_46x30_AP", 8];

["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell", BCounter];
["rhs_mag_an_m14_th3", BCounter];
["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", 1];
["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag", 4];
["APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag", 4];
["rhs_weap_m72a7", 1];
["ACE_DefusalKit", BCounter];
["ACE_Clacker", BCounter];
["MineDetector", BCounter];

"NVG" :
["rhsusf_acc_premier_anpvs27", 1];
["Rangefinder", 2];
["B_IR_Grenade", (BCounter*2)];
["rhsusf_acc_anpeq15A", BCounter];


"AMMO" :
["30Rnd_545x39_Mag_Tracer_Green_F", (RCounter*2)];
["rhs_30Rnd_545x39_7N22_AK", (RCounter*6)];
["rhs_mag_rgd5", RCounter];
["rhs_mag_rdg2_white", (RCounter*2)];
["rhs_100Rnd_762x54mmR_7N13", 4];
["hlc_60Rnd_545x39_t_rpk", 6];
["rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1", 5];
["ACE_EntrenchingTool", 1];

"HMG" :
["RHS_NSV_Tripod_Bag", 2];
["RHS_NSV_Gun_Bag", 2];
["ACE_EarPlugs", 12];
["rhsusf_lrf_Vector21", 2];
["ACE_EntrenchingTool", 1];

["rhs_weap_rshg2", 1];
["rhs_VG40TB", 2];

NOTE: the term "counter" means riflemen + medic slots. This means the relative benefit is given depending how many riflemen and medic slots are filled.

BLUFOR and REDFOR assets (slots)


NOTE: One of the two autorifleman slot is "locked", this means 4 filled riflemen slots are needed to unlock it, otherwise the "lock" slot will have the riflemen equipment.
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

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Messaggi: 13854
Iscritto il: 16/11/2009, 2:03
Grado: Veterano
Fondatore e Responsabile del Clan


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