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Vi Victa Vis, TvT BDR vs UST101

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Vi Victa Vis, TvT BDR vs UST101

Messaggioda {BDR}*Nemesi* » 15/03/2018, 18:41

Vi Victa Vis, TvT BDR vs UST101


Date of the event: Wednesday March 28th, 21.00
Place: vs15.tserverhq.com:6247 no password

Mission description:

Guerrilla leaders in the North West of Altis managed to get a couple of tactical ballistic missiles of the OTR-21 Tochka type on the black market. The Intelligence confirmed that they have been boarded and taken to Altis and identified the area where the target could be hidden within the territory controlled by the guerrilla.

Blufor must recognize the area and, once located, destroy the Tochka before it can cause major damage.
Redfor has to hide and protect the Tochka and get ready to hit their targets once confirmed.

Mission time: night

Blue Start, Red Start and battle area

The Tochka cannot exit the red rectangle. In blue the Blufor infiltration types.



arma3_x64 2018-03-22 18-56-26-87.jpg
Red Base

Redfor can hide the Tochka where they want but it cannot exit the red rectangle.

Redfor have a ammo truck which can rearm the Tochka only once after the first missile has been fired (ACE interactions). They have a shoulder Igla with 2 rockets in the crates.

They have a first target to destroy after 30 min in game. The coordinates will be printed in the briefing, intel section (so you do not have to hurry in writing them down).

After the first target has been hit and destroyed, a second target will be given after 30 minutes.


arma3_x64 2018-03-15 17-43-13-27.jpg
Blue base - Note: screens are taken day time for visibility reasons but the mission will be at night!

In addition to moving from their base by vehicles, Blufor can infiltrate in several positions:

-rubber rafts North (they will arrive at a position near the rubber raft and can use them to move)
-rubber rafts South (same as above)
-boat (unarmed)
-C130 (recon only, they can parachute from 4.000 mt, parachutes are in the plane inventory)

arma3_x64 2018-03-15 17-40-57-04.jpg
Blufor infil - Note: screens are taken day time for visibility reasons but the mission will be at night!

arma3_x64 2018-03-15 17-40-44-28.jpg
Blufor infil (mouse wheel) - Note: screens are taken day time for visibility reasons but the mission will be at night!

Infil switch is available for 15 minutes. All by recon have a lineup time of 5 minutes for infil. Recon only can infiltrate by parachuting from C130. You can use the chestpack mod with ACE interactions to put your backpack on chest. Remember to do so before boarding the C130.

Helis in Blue base are locked for 5 mins (the lineup time) while ground vehicles can move out of base at start.

Winning conditions:

Blue wins if they can destroy the Tochka or eliminate all Reds

Reds win if they destroy their second target, or if they eliminate all Blues


RH Acc pack
Task Force Radio
Chestpack (can be used for putting the backpack on chest for parachuters, not needed for others)

The mission is available for testing!
Il segreto della libertà è il coraggio: usiamolo tutte le volte che occorre!

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